在本網站內,您同意本網站使用您遞交的所有資料作任以下途而無須向您或任何人承擔任何責任,包括以任何形式、媒體及版本推廣由本網站及其客戶直接或間接擁有、營運、許可或管轄的產品或服務有關的廣告、推廣或交易的用途(包括旅遊、餐飲、娛樂、服裝、保健美容、教育、家居、交通、銀行、保險及其他消費類產品及服務)。 當您瀏覽本網站時,本網站可能會收集您電腦內的資訊,包括您的瀏覽器類型,操作系統類型,您的網絡服務供應商的域名,及您的互聯網規程地址。
— 使用您的個人資料來與您溝通;
本網站遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》-第486 章的責任及要求,屬下主管人員、管理層及員工必須時刻對本網站所收集及/或儲存及/或傳送及/或使用的所有個人資料保密,並妥善保存。 本網站所持有的全部個人資料將予以保密,然而本網站可在有需要披露您的個人資料以達到收集此等資料之目的,或直接與其有關之目的時,向下述人士披露資料:
本網站會放置於您電腦網際網絡瀏覽器內的純文字檔案,用來儲存您的個人喜好,以加強本網站的功能及方便您瀏覽。除非您選 擇直接向本網站提供該等資料,「Cookies」功能本身不會向本網站提供您的電郵地址等個人資料,但若您選擇向本網站提供您的個人資料,這些資料便會與儲存於「Cookies」功能內的資料連結。
根據條例,閣下有權要求查閱我們所保存有關閣下的個人資料,以及要求更正和刪除此等資料。我們處理此等要求時可收取合理的費用。為保護閣下的私隱和身份,我們將以合理的步驟核實閣下的身份,然後才會讓閣下查閱或更正或刪除閣下的個人資料。如有任何查閱、更正和刪除閣下的個人資料的要求,以及撤回同意的要求(如適用),可發送電郵至〔[email protected]〕。
This Privacy Policy was last modified on 25th June 2022.
ibible.hk will revise the Privacy Policy from time to time to comply with legal requirements. Therefore, please check this policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of the latest version and to protect your activities on this website.
The content of the collected personal information
You agree that this website uses all the information you submit for the following purposes without any liability to you, including advertising, promotion or trading related to products or services directly or indirectly owned, operated, licensed or governed by this website and its customers. When you visit this website, this website may collect information about your computer, including your browser type, operating system type, your network service provider’s domain name, and your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
Use of Personal Data
This website may use your personal data for the following purposes, including notifying you of any changes to this website or service, responding to your enquiries, facilitating contact between you and other registered users for confirmed Service Requests, collecting customer information, for publicity. And promotional activities, statistical analysis, and other services or products that this website believes you will be interested in. To this end, you agree and authorize this website:-
–Use your profile to communicate with you
–Cut, edit and change all the materials or parts you submit
–Collecting information from your computer to analyze the usage habits of the website and provide services, facilities and goods.
This website complies with the responsibilities and requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. All officers, management and employees must collect and/or store and/or transmit and/or use this website at all times. Personal data is kept confidential and kept in a safe place. All personal data held by this website will be kept confidential. However, this website may disclose information to the following persons when it is necessary to disclose your personal data for the purpose of collecting such information or directly related to it:
–An individual or company that represents this website
–Responsible for other persons or companies that keep this information confidential on the website, and that person or company has a legal right to access the information
–Distributors, agents, contractors, suppliers and content providers of this website; professional consultants on this website, including accountants, auditors and lawyers
–Governments and regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies and other organizations regulated or authorized by law, if there are laws, such as court orders, this website will disclose relevant information and will also disclose such information at the request of law enforcement agencies.
Transfer of Personal Data
To meet the above needs, this website may transfer your personal data to employees, connected companies, joint venture partners, agents, independent contractors and business associates of this website, except for the third party mentioned above. Use the relevant information as required for the above purposes and be responsible for the confidentiality of this website. When the relevant personal data is no longer required for the above purposes, this website will delete your personal information and prompt third parties to delete your personal data at the same time. This website does not rent, sell, or publicly disclose your personal information to others or to affiliated companies unless you have obtained your consent.
Third party website collection information
This website may be linked to other websites, and the privacy protection policies of such websites may differ from this website. The collection of information about you by these third party websites is not subject to control. Therefore, you should check the privacy policies of those websites to protect your rights.
“Cookies” function
This website will place “Cookies” in a text-only file in your computer’s Internet browser to store your personal preferences to enhance the functionality of this website and to facilitate your browsing. The “Cookies” function itself will not provide your personal information to this website.
Self Promotion policy
This website strictly adheres to the policy of not spamming unsolicited self promotional electronic messages. Therefore, this website will only actively send out electronic messages for the promotion of products or services with your consent. If you do not wish to receive electronic messages from this website, please notify us by: [https://church.ibible.hk/contact-us]
Access to and Correction of Personal Data
You are entitled to request access to the Personal Data held by us about you and to correct and erase such data in accordance with the provision of the Ordinance. We may charge a reasonable fee for the processing of such data access request.
We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections to or erasing your Personal Data to protect your privacy and identity.
Request for access, correction and/or erasure of your Personal Data, as well as withdrawal of consent, where applicable, should be made to our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to[ [email protected] ].
This Privacy Policy was last modified on 25th June 2022.